G and T
- n.掺奎宁水的杜松子酒

This text has proposed the optimization method to coagulation G and T design ;
Its 3 period distribution of base G and T for high expressed genes are more distinct than low expressed genes .
A and C was higher than the proportion of G and T , the base content had a certain partial difference . 2 .
The dominant type of variation was transition ( 94.17 % ), followed by transversion ( 2.53 % ) . The most common transition types were A → G and T → C.
Changes of serum immunoglobulin G subclass and T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood in iron deficiency anemia and latent iron deficiency children
The inhibitive effect of soil-borne microorganism collected from Nanning , Guangxi on antagonistic fungi G 1 and T 1-2
Denote by T ~ G + and T ~ ( [ G_ + ] ) the associated Toeplitz algebras .
At the same time , such codon usage principles as C G separation and G T base pairing were also considered . As a result , the number of probes was decreased to 4.25 % .
Objective To test the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNP ) 45T → G and SNP276G → T in the adiponectin gene with type 2 diabetes in Shanghai Han population .
Let G be a graph and T be a spanning tree of it .
The base usage and codon usage analyses show that genes on the leading strand have more G than C and more T than A , particularly at the third codon position .
Nutrient state of iron , serum immunoglobulin ( Ig ) G subclasses and subsets of T lymphocyte were measured in 47 children with recurrent respiratory tract infection ( RRTI ) .
Study on the association of the polymorphism at the position - 418A / G and - 384C / T in the Apo ( a ) promoter
It is shown that tre general elastic wave field U is equal to the convolution of the generalized Green 's functions G and the generalized forces T , where symbol expresses dot-product-convolution . Discussion on Principle of The Balance Between Two Generalized Forces
In this article , we summarized the expression of HLA G and its presentation forms , and the roles of HLA G , NK cell and T cell in maternal fetal immune tolerance .